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Point Nine and Thalassaemia

2020-09-17 05:09:53

Point Nine In Society

September 8, 2020 – Point Nine, a leading and innovative post-trade processing and regulatory reporting service provider is getting more involved with the community under their core Value of Cultivating Potential.

“We’re striving to make a real difference and support the community at large cultivate their potential, the Thalassaemia Association is a perfect match for Point Nine to achieve that and contribute to improving the lives of those with it and help the ones around them” says Andreas Roussos, partner at Point Nine.

The Pancyprian Thalassaemia Association, the first patients’/ parents’ association ever to be established in Cyprus, is a non-governmental organization founded by the parents and friends of people with Thalassaemia to protect their children’s rights against critical medical, social and economic problems.

For over 5 decades, it has been continuously acting, always aiming at providing support and education to people with thalassaemia and supporting prevention scheme and blood donation in Cyprus.

“Pancyprian Thalassaemia Association is constantly working towards supporting the smooth transition in this new era of the heath system in Cyprus and at the same time continuing the programs offered to people with thalassaemia. The support by Point Nine comes at a critical time, enhancing the ability of PTA to face it’s challenges, especially through the pandemic” says Miltos Miltiadous, President of the Board at PTA.

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