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New Feature: Trade Blotter

2021-06-10 08:06:13

Point Nine’s EMIR Audit Trail Tool

We constantly work hard to improve efficiency and transparency of our solution and services, and we are happy to announce our new feature in Point Nine’s web Portal:

EMIR Trade Blotter

Under this feature, our clients can view a full audit trail for each transaction, valuation, and collateral that has been received by our solution and has been reported to the Trade Repository.

By filtering through with a UTI Number, the level, the action, the LEI number of your counterparty, Trade Repository statuses (accepted, rejected, pending), the Trade Repository error code and/or the Job ID, our clients can view all details related, such as status, reporting timestamp, data of related trades and the Trade Repository’s exception along with the relevant message, if any.

The Trade Blotter can be found under our clients’ Point Nine Web Portal on the left-hand side menu bar.

Stay tuned for more updates and upgrades.

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