ESMA announces that on the 31st of May 2022 the New MIFIR Validation Rules v1.6 and v1.7 will be released to production.
This update includes some new changes:
New MIFIR Validation Rules (Q2 2022) v1.6 and the additional changes of validation rules v1.7 that you can find below.
We would like to inform you that our team of experts have proactively implemented, tested and validated the changes and no actions will be required by our customers.
New Additional changes of validation rules v1.7:
– rule (id 27): Included clarification that the EntityStatus shall be Active on the trading date
– rule (id 43): Included clarification that the EntityStatus shall be Active on the trading date
– rule (id 56): Included clarification that the EntityStatus shall be Active on the trading date
– rule (id 72): Included clarification that the EntityStatus shall be Active on the trading date
For any clarification please contact our Onboarding Team at