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ESMA issues update on RTS 27

2022-12-15 10:12:08

Further to the previous article on the suspension of the RTS 27 reports on our website.

ESMA issued a public statement dated 14 December 2022, on the reprioritisation of supervisory actions on the obligation to publish RTS 27 reports after 28 February 2023.

On 25 November 2021, the European Commission published its legislative proposal on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) and MiFID II , which includes a proposal to delete the RTS 27 reporting obligation. This proposal is currently subject to a legislative procedure by the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament.

From 1 March 2023 until the forthcoming legislative amendment to Article 27(3) of MiFID II applies, ESMA expects NCAs not to prioritise supervisory actions towards execution venues relating to the periodic reporting obligation on them to publish the RTS 27 reports.

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