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Trade & Transaction Reporting

2022-03-15 01:03:31

We are so excited for being a Silver Sponsor at the Trade & Transaction Reporting Summit on the 22-23 of March in London.

Our Chief Executive Officer Andreas Roussos and Chief Operations Officer Nestoras Nestorides will be available to exchange their views and Point Nine’s solution to help reporting firms comply with SFTR, MiFIR, EMIR, FinfraG, CANADIAN and ASIC.

Agenda Session

👉🏻 EMIR Refit: Clarifying the incoming regulatory changes.


*Save 30% using our Promo Code: FKM64249PNE

We are looking forward to meeting you there!

• Trade & Transaction Reporting Summit • 22-23 March 2022 • London • Leonardo Royal London Tower Bridge

Event details
  • 22-23 March 2022
  • 9.00-17.00
  • Leonardo Royal London Tower Bridge,
    UK View map

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